Specialized in energy, health and smart tech

Are you starting up a new innovative company or spinning out from an existing on? We want you to succeed. Let us support you along the way. The world need new solutions. Our team is specialized in areas like energy, health and smart tech.
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Validé have more than 25 years of experience developing businesses from initial idea to commercial success, evaluating around 500 ideas/early stage companies annually.

Validé invests time and capital in the companies we work with and we have an early phase investment strategy. We have a broad industry and research network, as well as access to public and private capital which we draw on actively in the development of our incubator companies.

Our primary focus areas include:

• Energy
• Health & Care Technology
• Digitization/smart tech

Developing new industries is demanding. It depends on access to good ideas, capital, knowledge, willingness, commitment, network, team, endurance, timing and luck. Validé AS is the region's largest, oldest and best innovation company.

Value & Idé = Validé

We will help to create value if you have an innovative idea. We contribute to new business development through idea assessments, expertise, networking, verification, testing and investment. During our 25 years of experience we have contributing directly to 100-150 jobs per year in the incubator companies as well as jobs in the growth phase. We have delivered dozens of good exits and contributing to success stories.

Validé invests time and money in early phase companies.

We have a broad industry and research network, as well as access to public and private capital which we draw on actively in the development of our incubator companies.

The companies in the incubator are raising capital. In recent years, more than 100 million kroner annually.

For a general inquiry please email us at post@valide.no, or contact our team managers below.