Kakadu Ignite

ITSA Growth DemoDay Kakadu

FOUNDERS: Ingvild Erøy Prestårhus and Hege Fiskå (left) are the founders of Kakadu. The company has received a lot of attention for the problem, digital alienation, which they want to solve with Kakadu. Here the interview by NRK Rogaland. (Photo: Hilde Garlid)

Kakadu is a digital learning resource, with the aim of reducing digital exclusion. The company offers step-by-step recipes for those who need help using online services. Kakadu is free for users.

Kakadu is also a digital platform developed both for companies that want to include all customers, regardless of digital skill level. Kakadu's tool makes it easy to get started with creating online guides. These recipes are made by businesses themselves, by using Kakadu´s tool, such as the service of the municipality, the library, NAV, Helsenorge, the bank (or others).

The company's vision is that everyone, young and old, should be able to make use of technology. It's about having control in your own life, and about being involved in society - despite how digital everyday life is. 600,000 are currently on the digital sidelines. The majority of these are over 60, but this also applies to some of those who are outside the working life and immigrants. Research shows that the problem will only get bigger, and not less as many people think. These people face daily challenges in an ever-increasing digital society. Both when it comes to critical tasks that deal with personal finances and health, but also other services within transport, entertainment and leisure activities.

Kakadu's paying customers are businesses in both the private and public sectors.

Prototypes of Kakadu have been developed and user tested together with the target groups. The first version was launched in the summer of 2022.

Kakadu has received project support from the Norwegian Directorate of Health of 2.8 million, and was selected as one of 10 companies to participate in Impact Startup Norway's accelerator program (spring 2021). They have several paid pilot customers and strategic collaborations with players in the private and public sector. From day one, Kakadu has made itself relevant in both regional and national news stories. This involves several radio features, online stories, podcasts and TV features on NRK.

Supported by Validé
• Participant at ITSA Growth
• Member of the health cluster Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
• Investment by Validé Invest II