FutureHome AS

GROWING: Tor Erik Skårdal, Erik Stokkeland and Stian Breivik Øien in Futurehome AS share the ownership with GET/TDC AS. That will hopefully give the company growth in Norway and the Nordic countries. (Photo: Hilde Garlid, Validé)

Futurehome lets you control, automate and monitor your home from anywhere in the world. You get total control with a single app. With our user-friendly app and Smarthub you can connect a growing list of smart devices within lighting, heating, alarms and electronic locks. These can then work together to give you total control, comfort and security, all from one simple app.

Futurehome started as a UiS-student idea in 2012, and was established as a company in 2013. In 2018 GET/TDC entered as owner, and the company is now expanding in the Nordic countries. They currently counts 25 employees with offices in Stavanger, Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim.

Empowered by Validé:
• Student idea from UiS who in 2012 won support from Validé in a Venture cup.
• Incubator company
• Business development from Gry Isabel Sannes
• Investment from Validé AS, and is one of Validé´s top10 exits.

«We had a strong technology and no business plan. Validé helped us with it »
Erik Stokkeland, CEO and with Futurehome's founder


Futurehome kåret til Norges raskest voksende tech-selskap

Veksten til smarthusselskapet Futurehome de siste fem årene er på formidable 3861 prosent. Det gjør dem til Norges raskest voksende teknologibedrift i Deloitte sin kåring Fast50.
Futurehome 1
Futurehome 1


Futurehome skaffer seg et nordisk marked for smarte hjem

Etter fem år er smarthjemløsningene til Futurehome installert i 1600 hjem og bygg. Målet i 2018 er 10.000 hjem. Dette kvantehoppet skal de lykkes med ved å ha GET/TDC som eiere.
Collage Dn Valide


10 Validé-selskap på DNs liste over «Årets gründere»

Av 277 selskaper som deltar i Dagens Næringsliv sin kåret over å bli «Årets gründer» er åtte tilknyttet Validé. -Meget gledelig lesning, sier Gry Isabel Sannes, leder av forretningsutviklingsprogrammet ITSA.