Robotic Drilling Systems AS

Robotic Drilling Systems Lars Raunholt

DRILLING EQUIPMENT: Today the name of the blue drilling robots is Canrig. Lars Raunholt is one of the founders. (Photo: Hilde Garlid)

The company Robotic Drilling Systems started out as a Norwegian company, specialized into drilling automation. Their solutions was back in early 2000 totally new, and nearly unbelievable. But there were some early believers; among them Validé and industrial partners like ConocoPhillips and Equinor (that time Statoil)

Today Canrig is the name of the tool they produce in Sandnes, and the drilling company Nabors is the owner. Canrig manufactures a premier line of automated drilling equipment and rig components and is vertically integrated with Nabors. Canrig's product line includes 10 electric top drives, five hydraulic top drives, three casing running tools and seven automated catwalks as well as rig floors and tubular handling equipment.

Tidslinje Robotic Drilling Systems

Supported by Validé:
• Incubator company
• Business development from Martin Sigmundstad
• Investment from Validé AS. The company is one of Validé's top 10 exits


Et lite stykke norsk industrieventyr

Lars Raunholt hadde en idé om å robotisere drillingprosessene i en tid da boredekkene var full av folk i skitne kjeledresser. Kunne det vesle teamet bak Robotic Drilling Systems (RDS) lykkes med å overlate dette farefulle oppdraget til en blå robot?
Robotic Drilling Lars Raunholt